[FREE] 🍗 DaffyMenu - Popup Menus For Your Components!

I´m testing on Companion, the test.aia shows rounded, but if I apply to my project it shows like in the picture Gordon posted, like square shape

I just discovered something... if I use the "AppTheme" extension, it shows rounded. And if I use only the DaffyMenu, it shows the square way.. I don´t know why

This without the AppTheme extension:

And this with:

App theme extension link please

it´s in the test aia file here, you can test quit that blocks and reconnect to companion and it will show the difference

Test.aia (15.5 KB)

I can't see any round corners,

But let me know why you need AppTheme?

Make sure to set the theme in Project Properties to Device default, you set classic theme

I´m using this extension in Kodular. I have set Dark theme by default.

Don´t need the AppTheme extension, what I want is get the rounded pop up style that it´s shown in the second picture, but it only appears using that extension, I don´t know why?

You can ask in Kodular community, this is MIT
Don't waste time

Is this extension also posted on the Kodular community?

When encountering a problem, it is at first not dependent of the extension used but depending on which platform you are using it. To ask a question about it's use or problems arising, choose the right community. Problems you encounter in Kodular, you ask for a solution in the Kodular community. Problems you encounter in App Inventor, you ask for a solution in the App Inventor community.

I was advised by someone from this community (and I won't mention their name) to ask questions about an extension to the platform it was posted on, and that helped me a lot, therefore you can get more correct answers from the extension developer. So I disagree with you.

technically it is ...

You cannot proof an error is not coming from the environment you are programming in. Thus the development environment can play a crucial role in the behavior and solution. To, personally, agree or not agree is not dependent on my answer.

You are both correct in your own way, however the DaffyMenu extension is not published on the Kodular community, therefore it makes sense for the Kodular user to ask here, where the extension is published.

The best thing they (@Mental_Magic ) can do, is to test the extension using AppInventor, if it works OK "here", then the issue lies with Kodular, if the same issue is found "here", then possibly an issue with the extension or how it interacts with the theming set in the app on both platforms.

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