[FREE] Custom List Picker and Choice Picker Extension

Very cool, did you release a new version?

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J'ai parcouru le post https://community.appinventor.mit.edu/t/free-custom-list-picker-and-choice-picker-extension/87700
Je cherche désespérément la version 2 de l'extension "CustomListPicker" de "Le_K_Studio".
j'ai téléchargé la version 1, mais je voudrais, si c'est possible, mettre la version 2.
Pouvez vous me dire oĂč je pourrai la trouver s'il vous plait ?

The extension was split into two versions. The extensions listed in that post are the latest versions. A version2 containing both methods was available for a little while, but was then split by the extension developer due to software conflicts.

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