[FREE] CSV Tools Extension to work with CSV Files


CSV Tools

An extension for MIT App Inventor 2.
Extension to work with CSV files async. Developed by The K Studio.

:memo: Specifications

:floppy_disk: Size: 13.37 KB
:gear: Version: 2.1
:iphone: Minimum API Level: 7
:date: Updated On: 2025-02-03T18:30:00Z
:computer: Built & documented using: FAST-CLI


CSVTools has total 4 events.

:yellow_heart: OnCSVCreated


Event triggered when a CSV file is successfully created.

Parameter Type
filePath text

:yellow_heart: OnCSVRead


Event triggered when a CSV file is successfully read.

Parameter Type
data list

:yellow_heart: OnError


Event triggered when an error occurs while processing CSV file.

Parameter Type
errorMessage text

:yellow_heart: OnFileUpdated


Triggered when a CSV file is successfully updated.

Parameter Type
filePath text


CSVTools has total 13 methods.

:purple_heart: ReadCSV


Reads a CSV file from the specified file path. Give a full path to read file from local storage or specify file name from assets to read file from assets.

Parameter Type
filePath text

:purple_heart: CreateCSV


Creates a CSV file from a list of columns or rows and saves it to the specified file path. Here data is list of columns or list of rows specified by isColumn boolean.

Parameter Type
filePath text
columns list

:purple_heart: GetColumnCount


Returns the number of columns in the CSV file.

Parameter Type
data list

:purple_heart: GetRowCount


Returns the number of rows in the CSV file.

Parameter Type
data list

:purple_heart: GetRow


Returns the data of a specific row in the CSV file.

Parameter Type
data list
rowIndex number

:purple_heart: GetColumn


Returns the data of a specific column in the CSV file.

Parameter Type
data list
columnIndex number

:purple_heart: GetCellValue


Returns the value of a specific cell in the CSV file.

Parameter Type
data list
rowIndex number
columnIndex number

:purple_heart: GetCellValueByColumnName


Returns the value of a cell specified by column name and row index in the CSV file.

Parameter Type
data list
columnName text
rowIndex number

:purple_heart: UpdateCellValue


Updates a specific cell in the CSV file and saves changes.

Parameter Type
filePath text
rowIndex number
columnIndex number
newValue text

:purple_heart: UpdateRow


Updates an entire row in the CSV file based on index (1-based index).

Parameter Type
filePath text
rowIndex number
newRowData list

:purple_heart: UpdateColumn


Updates a specific column in the CSV file (1-based column index).

Parameter Type
filePath text
columnIndex number
newColumnData list

:purple_heart: GetASD


Returns the app's specific external directory path.

:purple_heart: IsCompanion


Returns true if the app is running in the Companion.


Version 2.1: com.thekstudio.csvtools.aix (13.4 KB)

Test.aia (54.5 KB)


Thanks for this great extension

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it's not clear for me the path /assets, can you explain me ?

This will only work with Companion and Android 10+.
(I didn't test this extension.)

@The_K_Studio is the extension able to read a csv file from the assets after building the app?
which path must be used in this case?






If the path starts from "/storage" then it reads from local storage else specify the file name from assets to read it from app assets in Apk eg. Test.csv


Thankyou very much for this extension.

Hi, Can you correct my mistake in this block?

file path is not correct

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See here example blocks to read file from ASD in Companion.

If you want to read the file from Download folder then dont Use Get ASD block. Directly specify the file path.

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How can I achieve this?

  1. Imagine that a .csv file is with the data of Kids Name in one column and Roll Numbers in another column.

  2. If there is a word 'Passed Urine in Class' in the next cell of any random roll number, after 5 minutes this data 'Passed Urine in Class' must be deleted automatically from the .csv file. (This data will be added manually but has to be deleted automatically).

How this extension help to achieve this?

this extension is a csv READER, not to modify the file.

Yes, If we can read then we can modify by including other blocks from text section.

csv file can be read, write with FILE component, no need extension.

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Without extension how it is possible to read? And, can we read text file as well?

I tried as you told, but not working.

I tried using both format of filepath.

I mean that I used the same path format that should be used for MFile in this CSV Reader extension as well. That is what I meant.