[FREE] Create PDF file Extension. Layout to PDF

You will find it here


That block is now named GetASDPath

I downloaded the pdf extension as you told me.

I have replaced the corresponding blocks as I see them from the pdf extension, but it did NOT work. Does not create pdf, does not share. Yours is working fine. Where is the mistake?

Please see the following images and the .aia file
ctreate_Pdf_share_fromASD.aia (12.1 KB)

The available blocks from the pdf extension are the following:

You need to use the "10" blocks

What do you mean?
This is what I used. I used the "10" blocks
See the pictures above and the one below
(on Android v13)

No you did not :wink:


thank you very much, it worked! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

See here for a method to make a PDF from an arrangement that is wider than the screen

Hello, I am to use the extension KIO4_PDF @Juan_Antonio, I have a cuestion with the size of image that I picture of the camera.
The canvas of document pdf is more long respect to imagen, also when I picture photo, this one is in horizontal, but i picture in vertical I don´t know.

This my Blocks

and this the result
prueba.pdf (6.5 KB)

Read through this topic (and the post directly above yours) for solutions

when tried to create file - error coming -

when tried to share file - error coming -
Error 2001 : The File file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/test.pdf
could not be found on your device

I am having aicompanion2 on my laptop
Please guide

Please show your relevant blocks, and advise of the android version you are testing on.

KIndly permit me to use this extension for the MIT GLOBAL AI HACKATHON

Runtime Error java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/roopak1.pdf (No such file or directory) Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

When i'm saving .txt file, it works without error. When i'm saving component as image or pdf using extensions it is showing error.

can anyone help me why am i getting this error?

What Android version are you running ?

Does this only happen when running in companion app ?

it happened after built app also.
but it works in another app in same version with same method. Even both app in legacy mode.


currently i'm testing in Android Version:9


This location:


is only valid when using the companion app, files will not be stored there with a compiled app.

On android 9 and below, the default file location for a saved pdf is:


On android 10 and above you should be using the "10" blocks, for example:


which will save the pdf to the ASD:

/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<package name>/files

I am surprised to read that you say it works in another app, it should really not be possible to copy a file from one ASD to another ASD for another app, (it may be possible in companion with extensions...)

Perhaps explain what it is you are trying to achieve, and we can point you in the right direction...

You might also want to read the documentation here:

( you can translate the page to English, or possibly to your preferred language)

i'll try

Hi, first of all very nice and useful extention.
The extension works perfectly when I share pdf with telegram or Drive but when I use WhatsApp to share the file is corrupted . I used the 10 blocks, there is a Bin notation