[Free] Color Extension

I know that.

Can you explains a bit more.
I don't really understand what you are trying to say.

I edited the post. It should be understandable now. Just rewrite this block to recognize hex 24 and 32bit correctly.

I was already Working on that.

we already talked about the naming conventions...
unfortunately you still do not follow them...
the correct name for RGBAColor would be rgbaColor

also you still have that spelling mistake in the extension name... this does not look very professional, does it?


I think you can also rename argbToHex, which would correctly indicate that the first byte is an alpha channel.

It looks like you have used appybuilder code editor. You can't rename java file there so create a new project with file name color.java and copy-paste your code there and recompile it.

I've already tried that multiple Times but IT doesn't work.

Make sure that your java file name and class name is same.

i did that but then i get this error:
Buildfile: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build.xml


[delete] Deleting directory /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build

/projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build.xml:34: The following error [delete] Deleting directory /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/reports







[exec] Result: 128
[exec] Result: 128



[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build/components
[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build
[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes
[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/reports
[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/reports/raw
[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/reports/html

[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/CommonConstants
[javac] Compiling 6 source files to /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/CommonConstants
[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
[javac] 1 warning
[javac] Creating empty /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/CommonConstants/com/google/appinventor/components/common/package-info.class
[jar] Building jar: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build/components/CommonConstants.jar
[jar] Building jar: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build/components/CommonConstants-gwt.jar

[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/HtmlEntities
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/HtmlEntities
[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
[javac] 1 warning
[jar] Building jar: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/HtmlEntities.jar



[exec] Result: 128
[exec] Result: 128

[mkdir] Created dir: /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/AndroidRuntime
[javac] Compiling 332 source files to /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build/classes/AndroidRuntime
[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:18: error: Color is already defined in this compilation unit
[javac] import android.graphics.Color;
[javac] ^
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:40: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] return Color.parseColor(hexColorCode);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method parseColor(String)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:46: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] return Color.argb(255, rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256));
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method argb(int,int,int,int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:52: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] float r = (Color.red(firstColor) * ratio) + (Color.red(secondColor) * inverseRation);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method red(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:52: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] float r = (Color.red(firstColor) * ratio) + (Color.red(secondColor) * inverseRation);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method red(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:53: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] float g = (Color.green(firstColor) * ratio) + (Color.green(secondColor) * inverseRation);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method green(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:53: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] float g = (Color.green(firstColor) * ratio) + (Color.green(secondColor) * inverseRation);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method green(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:54: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] float b = (Color.blue(firstColor) * ratio) + (Color.blue(secondColor) * inverseRation);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method blue(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:54: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] float b = (Color.blue(firstColor) * ratio) + (Color.blue(secondColor) * inverseRation);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method blue(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:55: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] return Color.rgb((int) r, (int) g, (int) b);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method rgb(int,int,int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:60: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] return Color.argb((int) alpha, (int) red, (int) green, (int) blue);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method argb(int,int,int,int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:65: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] int alpha = Color.alpha(RGBAColor);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method alpha(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:66: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] int red = Color.red(RGBAColor);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method red(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:67: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] int green = Color.green(RGBAColor);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method green(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] /projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/appybuilder/lukehoogenboom/Color/Color.java:68: error: cannot find symbol
[javac] int blue = Color.blue(RGBAColor);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: method blue(int)
[javac] location: class Color
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[javac] 15 errors
[javac] 1 warning

/projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build.xml:35: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build-common.xml:372: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/build.xml:141: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/projects/goldv2/appinventor-sources/appinventor/build-common.xml:118: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 4 seconds

The file name should not be the same as imports or object names.


Update log:
The name has been changed to Colour instead of Color_Exstension and now follows the naming conventions as reqeusted by @Taifun
Also I really wan't to thank @Kumaraswamy, @Techno_Vedang and @Taifun for helping me change the name.
NOTE: the new exstension won't upgrade to the old one but wil insert a new one.
com.appybuilder.lukehoogenboom.Colour.aix (7.6 KB)


please edit your first post in this thread and update the screenshots
thank you


I've updated the screenshots to the new version.
Also i've deleted the update logs to avoid confusion.

Nice extension @Sketch!

1 Like

Thank you!

Honestly, I didn't try it out but someone might like to have the range of all colors where R, G or B is absence. It provides a nice color range, almost rainbow, about Knipsel .
It goes from red -> yellow->...->red.
The number goes from 1 --> 1531

I had to analyse all thise combinations with an Excel, to transform then into a formula.


Well done!


Search here for color to find several extensions that provide a colour picker


1 Like

I think @Anke is trying to say that he/she changed another extension name without any problems

A bit late.
P.S. I already understood What she meant.

:blush: :blush: