[FREE] [BETA] Extract image frame from video

how can get the block tvhz.mp4? i cant get this block or using text block can add too
and write the name of my mp4 file?

Are going to use a video in your assets. If so, you can, like I have shown, use blocks from the File component to provide a path to that file

yes i know but inside the blocks of file i cant get the same block of mp4 that you have in your image with the arrow down. so i am ask about this please, sorry if i not know this little details

i get the same only the diferent is the mp4 path block using text block

this is my block using the route of my mp4 file is correct?


or this:

the two forms dont get the list of images about my video mp4. what is wrong?

canvasvideoimagen.aia (2.9 MB)

Your subfolder in the Shared folder /Download does not exist:

And as I've asked several times...

In your example, only the last frame is displayed at the end.

my objective is capture the 25fps images so if its 25 fps is 25 frames for every second of my file video. so my timer is wrong. i need to change this no?

PD: why i need capture all the frames?. because the facemesh its so slow and cant capture correctly every frame of the camera so my objective is use the list of images can extract of my video cam and transform to facemesh images

What about answering my post #28?

i am going to access to all images and create in every second the 30 frames list of images, so i create 30 images. this is my answer, do you understand me, please help me.

I'm talking about this...

yes its there when i try to create in the specific route. i dont know why the app dont recognize

What android version and device are you testing with ?

samsung A30s android 9