A quick and simple one. Encodes and decodes using Base91 (which uses 94 ASCII characters and is apparently a lot quicker than base64 in some settings)
- Latest Version: 1.0
- Tested: This has been tested on App Inventor 2 using Android 10 and 12 devices, companion 2.62, and compiled apk. It may work on other derivatives....e.g. Kodular/Niotron/etc.
- Released: 28 April 2022
- Last Updated: 28 April 2022
- Built: Using the Rush Extension Builder by @shreyash
Jochaim Henke
and thanks @shreyash for his guiding hand
Enjoy , and all feedback and comments welcome.
Available for use in any MIT AppInventor projects or competitions
This work by TIMAI2 is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License with attribution.
Please use name = TIMAI2 and link to this source page when giving credit.