Format the numbers - thousand separator

I am changing one problem to another

I need a mathematical solution and not a system trickery :wink:

Here’s a solution, do you know who is the author? It must be allowed to put a comma even with longer (and round) numbers.

That is a thousand and decimal definition, the problem is that they cannot be combined with ROUND numbers from 1000 digits.

It is not a maths thing, because the number starts out and finishes as text.

Here is a workaround that should handle all cases:

test right away :slight_smile:

Please be aware that when formatted like this you have a string, and not a number. If the number is important, you will need to save this separately.

Unfortunately, this does not work, when you leave the texbox, the data remains as tapped


So after entering, it is not formatted

Check this: thousand2.aia (115.6 KB)

Oh, you want it in the textbox, sorry, not paying attention

However, you will probably need to give something else the focus (another textbox) in order to activate the lostfocus

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I just tried it, it has the same result. It cuts the “, 00” away after the decimal point.

Was the answer to me?
If yes, at what value?

You may need to use Taifun’s Textbox extension and the Enter Pressed Listener event

Start a new thread for this

Try this:

da fehlt mir die “,00” also nicht 1.000 € sondern 1,000.00 €

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