Floating button

Greetings to all of you dear ones, I apologize for asking two questions. Please tell me what plugin or what can floating the button on the screen and after clicking on it a menu will open and double click on it to close the menu. I am waiting for your help

Try a search for floating button


You can use the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the page to search the community


You can use this extension that just dropped:
PopupMenu Extension - An extension to add popup to components ! - Extensions - MIT App Inventor Community


Sorry, I clicked on the link and could not find my answer. Please just link the answer to me. Thanks

Hi my friend, this means that this button stays fixed when scrolling to the bottom page and floats on the page, even if your letter is a document.


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You can employ what are known as virtual screens for this, by keeping everything in a VerticalScrollingArrangement, and the floating Button outside, on the actual screen. Make sure the Screen's scrollable property is unchecked/set to false.

Use the extension I mentioned in post 3 for the pop-up menu.

Thank you very much for your answer. Wait a minute, let me test, thank you

Hi, I am importing a plugin that does not show the image at all

The truth is that the button
Not shown Now I show the blocks


Thank you very much for working



very good . Grateful


Could you please make your question a little bit more clear?

Hello, I meant this gentleman who said that the post was deleted by the author, I did not understand what he meant

من یه پست نوشتم که بعدش دیدم اشتباه نوشتمش برای همین حذفش کردم (که ۲۴ ساعت بعد از حذف کاملا پاک میشه)

Thank you..................... :pray:

خواهش می کنم :slightly_smiling_face: