I meant "createaccount"
The link I have in my createAccount variable is:
I keep repeating myself, every time you sign up or sign in your get a new idToken. Sign Up sets the user, sign in confirms the user is signed up.
Please refer to
to understand when to use the idToken
Alright, so what would I do if I want the user to have a verified email to sign in? And I know that if I close the app and try to log in again, It won't work.
See here in order to sign up, verify and sign in
Alright, I'll do that. Does it mention how to save the token so you are able to log in after you close the app?
See previous repeated answers about this....
I don't really see anything about saving the tokens but correct me if I'm wrong, it's just the only problem I currently have and it's also annoying when I try to test my app and I have to create a new account every time
Because I do not use any other real screens in my work. Use virtual screens then you do not have to worry about "saving" variables to tinydb
Just delete the created account in the firebase console (authentication), then you can use the same details...
Sorry, I meant for a user. When a user closes the app and reopens it again they will not be able to log in and obviously can't just delete their account and make another one through firebase. I didn't mean for me to create and delete accounts in firebase for testing reasons
Hello All
After what you have guys showed me I was able to create accounts in MIT App Inventor but I want to do something extra. Can I be able to making it so that I can save additional information for a specific user and display it on a different screen? Let us say we have one screen and I store the information typed in with Firebase and I call it on another screen, but I just want it to save for that specific user and maybe also store other data for only that specific user.
Still using a second account @AAA ?
I have already provided links to the Firebase REST api documentation which show you how to update a user's profile information
I tried using Firebase to store some data but it just stored it for all users, so I'm having trouble with this one.
Then you need to adjust your firebase rules. I provide a few examples in my firebase with web component guide. It may help if you actually read this guide from the beginning.
Sure, I can read that? Do you have the link? Thanks