I have used APP Creators for a few years now and I am trying to streamline the process. Students work in groups but we are strugling with sharing the code. Last year I had them save to their downloads folder and then email to their teammates, but it seems so redundant. Since they are signed into CHROME, would their work already be on their google drive somewhere so they can just share it?
Welcome Michele.
Sorry, no, that is not how Projects are saved. They are saved to an MIT server.
You might try the suggestions here Multiple people programming on 1 program
or have your students upload their Projects to the MIT Gallery. I think there is an option to limit who can see the Projects to only your students but do not know how. I asked someone from MIT to comment. 
We do not request any scopes other than the scope required to read the email address of the account, so we cannot access any of the student's materials on Google Drive or elsewhere. There is also the code.appinventor.mit.edu server, which allows for anonymous login without using an email address. In either case, the project data are stored in a database managed by MIT.
A while back we did have an experimental version that allowed for realtime collaboration on projects a la Google Docs. However, the complexity of the solution requires a bit of a rethink on our part before we can deploy it at scale.