๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ Fast : An Efficient Way to Build Extensions

Does FAST handle spaces in file paths (on Windows)?


may be, i dont know

Please do a clean install.

Yes and not only for Windows.

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how to delete old permanent

Just run the installation script. It'll delete the old setup. Otherwise, you may follow the manual setup.

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:mega: An update is available v2.2.0

Date built:

  • Jetifier is now accepts remote dependencies to process.
  • Jetifier is now accepts AAR dependencies to process.
  • Added -f argument to fast upgrade command to force a clean install.
  • Added -dir as global argument to define working directory manually.
  • Renamed a few JARs in tools directory.
  • A typo is corrected in default README.md

@JEWEL As a suggestion, you could add a -doc parameter to generate documentation for the extension.

fast build -doc

I'm looking for a way to generate blocks as png.

:mega: An update is available v2.3.0

Date built:

  • FAST will generates docs for your extension during build if gen_docs is enabled in fast.yml
  • If component specific elements are not defined, FAST will include manifest elements to the default component.
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Is there any guide or video or sample project on how to use external libraries in creating extension with dependency or repository?

I did check WIKI MavenResolver ยท jewelshkjony/fast-cli Wiki ยท GitHub but not able to implement it.

You need to add remote dependencies like below and run fast sync to resolve these libraries before running fast build.

- com.startapp:inapp-sdk:5.1.0
- androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0

Check out this open-source project, it uses remote dependencies.

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Trying to create a scheme in the manifest, but Intellij tells me that certain attributes are not allowed ?

(All four items in red generate the same error message)

Any fix for this ?

Are you getting compilation issue or manifest missing issue on built aix?

I have not yet tried to build. Can do, and see what, if any errors.



All I have done is use the default extension as created, and added the intent filter to the manifest.

Hopefully, you won't get any compilation errors, but if you run into APK build problems, it might be because AI2 doesn't support those attributes.

No aix was created

I'll take a look at this issue.

It appears you are using an older version of FAST. Please ensure you are using the latest version.

OK After upgrading that now builds


will do more testing

Extension installed OK in the aia project, and the project built OK, but the deeplink does not work when I call it from a qrCode.

(this does work when using @vknow360 's deep link extension)

Can send aix and apk (you are welcome to do what you want with it :wink: )