Failed to send verification email (using Firebase Authentication with Web Component)


From the last example of yours Not able to tag different user login to save user profile's data - #27 by TIMAI2, now I'm trying to add send verification email method but failed.
Below are the blocks in my current project;

While below blocks which I just added in myself, by referring to the example from your website: METRIC RAT AI2 - Registration & Login with Firebase Authentication

I have tested out but it seems failed to send out verification email.
I may need your advice on this, thank you very much. :pray: :pray: :pray:

You appear to be using the user's localid (uid) instead of the idToken.

You have not followed my blocks correctly when handling the Web1.GotText return for registration (SignUp)

I suggest you have another look at my guide, there is also a blank aia project there you can download to test.


Actually was trying out several on the idToken part where not sure which to use.
Noted on the idToken and will try out later.
Thank you very much.

Hi @crispbytes, as @TIMAI2 the problem is you are using the uid instead of idToken, but to verify this use Web5Verify.GotText and check what You have in the responseContent.
And You can try FirebaseManager Extension
that cover your need.
Best Regards