Hi Gordon, it seems that there is a bug in the ShowNumberPickerDialog. When you write numbers directly to the dialog box using keyboard instead of using + and - buttons - the return value is always 0. Thanks
p.s it could be also useful to add the possibility to set and to visualize an initial value in the dialog box
I will check it and fix it hopefully. Thanks for reporting.
New version 6!
Classic is no longer supported. You can now choose from Light or Dark mode, but Classic is disabled because no such class exists in R.style. I will roll out a new version that does not have the Light/Dark functions, but matches the theme of the app.
HTMLMessage is now changed to HTMLFormat to support HTML titles.
New blocks and features!
This event is invoked when the custom dialog you created was dismissed.
This event is invoked when an error has occurred.
Parameters: error = text, block = text
This event is invoked when the linear progress dialog was dismissed.
Show whatever you want in a dialog. You can use as example arrangements, or images or whatever you want. Your chosen layout will be then removed from the screen and only visible in custom dialog. Please make sure the layout you want to use is visible.
Parameters: component = component
Dismisses the custom dialog that you have shown.
Dismisses the linear progress dialog that you have shown.
Shows the custom dialog that you have created.
Shows a progress dialog with a horizontal progress bar. Can be dismissed by user if "cancelable" is set to true. If indeterminate is set to true, maxValue and the "UpdateProgress" block will have no effect.
Parameters: title = text, message = text, iconPath = text, useIcon = boolean, indeterminate = boolean, maxValue = number (int), color = color, cancelable = boolean, buttonText
Updates the progress of the linear progress dialog. Has no effect if it is indeterminate.
Parameters: progress = number (int)
Sets the amount of dim behind the dialog window. 0.0 stands for no dim and 1.0 stands for full dim.
Accepts: number (float)
This property specifies whether fullscreen should be enabled for the dialog.
Accepts: boolean
This property specifies whether light theme should be enabled for the dialog.
Accepts: boolean
Is there a way when ShowPasswordInputDialog, the cursor autofocus on the textbox input dialog so that the user directly type
I maybe will add that in the next version, but for now the user still has to manually focus it.
Alternatively, you can use this extension for now.
Mantap.... Its work, thank u very much sir,
Very good extension, thank you.
You are awesome.
I keep receiving this error ...I think the problem with the "id"
call to 'DaffyDialog1$CustomChooseDialogCanceled' has too few arguments (0; must be 1)
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
This is my second day using MIT...so please take it easy on me!
If you're using the emulator, please test it on a real device.
I think that I have to specify the ID number in GotCustomChooseDialog...though I don't know how
You don't have to. Just set this to an integer.
I am not able to use icons on the dialogs, my images are png and saved in the assets folder. I give the complete path but for any reason I do not see any icon on the dialog. Do you have a simple working example?
If you had read the topic, you would have found this:
Ok, found now it works.
it was my test what I send and apparently looks similar, the main problem I did not understand since the beginning that the asset absolute path did not work and can not be used also if I do not understand why.