Extension. COVID-19. Decode QR Green Pass. Certificate. Encode/Decode QR


This extension decodes "QR Green Pass".
Encoding requires a legal certificate, that is why it is called "COVID Certificate", in addition to other types of encoding Base45, zlib, cose, cbor...

With this extension you cannot create "QR Green Pass"


hey man, how can I encode the same information from the json?

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Read the previous post.

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Please call like @Beam_Media, @HAM_APK, Dont use "HEY MAN" Word


Hi, I am using KIO4_QRGreenPass1 extensión and when I want to generate an URL, my QR scanner reads the " / " (slash) like %2F.
If you encode " ....... /index/files " the output is %2Findex%2Ffiles. (I am thinking in UTF-8 encoding)
Can i fix this to get literal text as I wrote ?

Can you try this version?


borrar_qr_covid2.aia (417.7 KB)


Hola me he metido aqui para crear un qr covid funcional como funciona??

This extension decodes "QR Green Pass".
Encoding requires a legal certificate, that is why it is called "COVID Certificate", in addition to other types of encoding Base45, zlib, cose, cbor...

With this extension you cannot create "QR Green Pass"

puede ser en español porfavor?

Con esta extensión podemos decodificar QR de certificados digitales de COVID-19, pero no podemos crear QR de esos certificados.

y no hay alguna manera de crearlos? como en el ejemplo: https://github.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-testdata/tree/main/IT

Solo las autoridades gubernamentales y sanitarias pueden proporcionar código QR para COVID-19. This Community does not provide any help to create those codes..

Wow! Nice Extension!