Existence of Android App of MIT App inventor

Hello MIT-Team,

Ist there an Android Version from the MIT - APP INVENTOR For Android? Because in the Moment i Not found a versión of MIT - APP INVENTOR For Android, only For Windows.... But Not in Play Store... And If "yes" than... Würd i can Download it?

Can You Help me with this issue please?


AI2 development is meant to be used from a desktop or laptop computer, not from a small screen cell phone.

If you lack a laptop or desktop computer, try Catrobat
(no relation to Ai2).

Yes, but i use it on a Tablet on android, that has an much bigger Screen then an cellphone.
I Need an Android Version because i will Not use Laptops or Notebooks, because Laptops or Notebooks are old system, and use to much battery, and For this are to heavy.... And catrobat don't works fine, and have some Errors.... And they cut Out the posibility to create apk... And MIT - Inventor has the better Layout.... Because this i ask... And in the Firsttime i Need the Tablet Version, that i can use it...

Thanks For Take the Time to reply....

Use an Android tablet that has a Bluetooth key board attached. That does work.

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Get a touch screen Chromebook, then you have the best of both worlds

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If You give me the Money For this, ok then thanks For te Gift.... , :frowning:

And where i can find the App?

It's not an app.

The app is the MIT web app that is also used on a PC or Mac or Linux box. Use your tablet browser to go to http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/

Ok, because MIT - APP INVENTOR ist Not an App that works in Tablet, what ist about scratch and the posibility to create APK s ? And how?....


It doesn't? See Can you write code with android tablet - #10 by Kirill_Yamney and Can you write code with android tablet - #9 by Ken Possibly use a Puffin browser and tell us what happens.

No, it does not produce an apk. There are complex ways to transform Scratch to an apk does scratch produce an apk - Google Search

I wouldn't want to do that .
See https://scratch.mit.edu/ .

Ok, then lets do it :)...
Ok, i will luck in the links, that You was Sendung me. And (Thanks For your Time, and for your Help)

A couple of images of me using my daughters old Android tablet, using Chrome and bluetooth keyboard. Specifically shows "right-click" and "dropdowns" working

Samsung A10 tablet, Bluetooth keyboard and Firefox browser works.

Ok, what ist the puffin Browser, and this Browser works in Android, and where i can get this puffin-browser-thingi?

Thanks For your pasience with me... :slight_smile:

And excuse mi Bad English...

... Correction: i have him:
