Errore installazione APK

I downloaded the APK Extractor & Analyzer App, but the moment I go to upload my apk and install it; I get the usual message: "App not installed"

In the end, I had to follow your advice to uninstall the previous version and install it again; but unfortunately as I expected, I lost all my data.. and magically the app installed.. but that's not right!!! :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

Since we don't have the previous version we can't tell what was wrong

Where is the problem to download the (previous) APK from your Google Play Developer console, as @Boban suggested.

Compared to the version I installed on Google Play, the changes made only concerned the APK update... in fact I had not also created the AAB version


See here (one app from my Play Developer console):

Go to "App Bundle Explorer" an post a screenshot.

screenshot(s) from...

In fact, I sent you the details of version 72, in the Explorer section for app bundles

We want to see the previous app version. What version number does it have? Then click the arrow on the right, go to "Downloads" and download the signed universal APK (if the previous version was also uploaded as an AAB).

As I said, you can download all app versions you've ever published as an APK from the Play Developer console.

How do I send you signed universal APK?

Upload it to Google Drive and post the (public) link or send me via PM.

This APK was built / signed with another keystore than this one (post #9):

Therefore, there is a "conflict with an existing package" when updating.

This is very strange, given that the keystore should be identical to be able to update the app

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