Error while Setting up an Instance in Appspot with GCS

I made the changes and now get this one

E:\appinventor-sources\appinventor>gcloud app deploy --project=appcentral-311908 appengine\build\war
WARNING: and elements in appengine-web.xml are not respected
Services to deploy:

descriptor: [E:\appinventor-sources\appinventor\appengine\build\war\WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml]
source: [E:\appinventor-sources\appinventor\appengine\build\war]
target project: [appcentral-311908]
target service: [default]
target version: [20210430t003329]
target url: []

Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y

Beginning deployment of service [default]...
ERROR: ( Cannot upload file [C:\Users\sathy\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpr4q41agr\tmpkofl1vqg\ode/CFD64BD35BB69602F334A1A00AEB5EE1.cache.js], which has size [34983220] (greater than maximum allowed size of [33554432]). Please delete the file or add to the skip_files entry in your application .yaml file and try again.

I have already addressed this problem here:

Please consider using the search feature in the future to look for potential solutions.

Ok sure Thanks @ewpatton and

I ran into this and after rectifying this error, I should run this command gcloud app deploy --project=appcentral-311908 appengine\build\war again right?

Since it has uploaded all the files i just asked.

Yes, once you enable the Google Cloud Build API you should be able to proceed. You only need to do this once per App Engine project (this isn't specific to App Inventor--it's how Google App Engine / Google Cloud works)

@Satzd68 As @ewpatton said you need to enable the cloud build API but you will need a credit card added to gcloud

Sure @Pradevel @ewpatton Thanks for your support

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