Have you ever opened any projects on this computer before?
Where are you doing this, at home, at school, or on a public PC?
What happens if you click on this link:
MIT App Inventor
What browser and extensions are you using?
Yes, I was able to open projects last year.
I am on school the school network and computers.
When I click that link it takes me to my projects but still can't open one.
We are using google chrome.
- a guess is the school IT department may be blocking the App Inventor 2 communications with the server and they did not block last year.
- are you in a class and all the computers are not working or are you working remote (from home or a dorm). In the first instance, talk to your IT department and share this School IT/Network Admins: Information specific to school networks (also helpful for conferences and hotel situations) . If in a dorm, the school might block general access but not from a classroom.
- You can see a list of your Projects. That is great. How do you try to open one? If you go to My projects using the MENU, left double click on a project name, the Project should load. Is that what you are doing Nathan?
Yes, I am in a classroom computer lab and none are able to open. I will get with my network admin tomorrow to check on their end.
Good luck. I suspect your IT will need to allow the network to access ai2.appinventor.mit.edu, rendezvous.appinventor.mit.edu, and access turn.appinventor.mit.edu (port 3478), and HTTP access from the student's computer to the phone or tablet on port 8001. I think access to port 3478 is the critical part.
Please let us know how it goes.
One in particular, or any one at all?