error 908 the permission write_external_storage has been denied

Here are the pictures of my designer and blocks.. plz help me to solve the error

On Android 11+ you must set DefaultFileScope = Legacy in the Designer:

or you can use my MFile extension, which does not request (require) storage permissions (especially WRITE) on Android 11+.

Hi Anke... I actually did that... also I removed the previous extensions and added your MFile extension.. but NO luck.. Plz look the image attached here. Plz guide me is anything I need to change in the blocks?

Show your blocks.

Try this:

Note: If you test with Companion first you must delete the file before testing with the APK or you must rename the filename, SavedFile1.txt

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Thanks for the help Anke... I implemented the above blocks as you suggested... now it is working(NO error) but the file doesn't appear in the "Documents" folder... I want the file to be created in the shared folder "Documents" - I am testing the app directly on my mobile

Android version?
Post your blocks. If the Android version of your test device is < 11 you must request WRITE permission.

Hi Anke... it is working!!! the file gets created in a folder "Documents" right in the internal memory & it's accessible for me!!! Thank you so much for your help... Anyways, as you asked, my android version is 12.0 , here are my blocks (working finally)...

Fine, but as I said no storage permissions (READ/WRITE) are riquired on Android 11+. So there is no need to grant it on Android 12.