Error 908: the permission bluetooth connect has been denied. please enable it in the settings app

good news, i found it in the list, but not connect. i found similar question in this forum, but not resolved (ESP32-WROOM-32 Does not Work with MIT App Inventor in BLE Mode (BluetoothLE)?)

waiting your support

when I add location sensor it shows the list of Bluetooth devices

yes, now it show the BLE devices, but not connect:
first it said "Connecting"

then it said "false"

I am using ESP-WROOM-32 module, is this device can connect to MIT app inventor?

Do not use ESP-WROOM-32, use ESP32-WROOM-32D instead.

I have no access to get ESP32-WROOM-32D locally, that is why I am trying to get a solution for ESP32-WROOM-32.

I am trying to solve the problem using this site:

Congratulation!!! Now it work for ESP32-WROOM-32 by adding KI04_Bluetooth1 extension from 160.- Bluetooth Low Energy. BLE. Librería. De AI2 a ESP32. De ESP32 a AI2.

Now I connected two BLE with a single MIT app inventor.

Thank you all of them for trying to resolve my problem!!!

attached a screenshot of my work.
When looking to the mit app in settings, I do not find anything to enable as mentioned.


thanks for your quick feedback.
What do you mean by not using the latest version ? I only installed my software just a few days ago....(I see [grafik] in you message, but do not see a picture).
What do I change in my app to not use the permission ?

Check it.

Try this (and post a screenshot):

do not understand. Please tell me for what I need the latest version.
And show me a screenshot of where to change the BLE permission.

Install the APK, open it and you will understand it – hopefully.

Installed it, it just asked access toy location, but still not working.
Please answer my questions in the previous mail, installing the app is not a solution to the problem.

Use the permission helper blocks or write the permissions correctly



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Show screenshot(s)..

Android version and device name?