Error 908: The permission BLUETOOTH.CONNECT has been denied (on Android ≤ 12)

Excuse me, I have a problem with the definition of bluetooth
With the Arduino to control the servo motors and output the word 908 permissions for the Bluetooth, I used the program
I have read your writings about the problem and the fact that you have a lot of experience in the field
But did not recommend a solution?


Actually, I don't know what to do?
Is this code added to my program?
What does the file.... BluetoothClient_test.aia mean (8.3 KB)

How about trying out the aia, building and testing the APK?

I only know this... building and testing the APK?


Sorry, I didn't make it clear.
I mean, I'm new to this and I don't know what to do with the code.?
And what is the formula [BluetoothClient_test.aia) (8.3 KB)?
I didn't know how to deal with it?

All I know is the formula APK ?
And I watched a video on YouTube and did the same for designing the program?

As I said, import my test aia, build the APK and try ...
If the app (APK) works for you (and I think it does) then copy my blocks to the Backpack and use them in your project.

I imported your test aia and don't know how to build an app APK?
But I don't know what you mean by backpack?
Show me this list?

Do you have a video explaining this?

Thank you, my teacher
I did as requested and now this program appeared to me?

Did I take the code data from it and copy it to my program to control the 4-servo motor?
Or what ?

Please try something yourself ...