Hi friends,something strange happens to me, I made a puzzle that when I move each piece it makes a sound, I compile the apk and on my cell phone it works fine. I do the steps to take it to API 34 with APK easy tool, I recompile, then I generate the aab with ApK to abb convert, I upload it to Google Play, it is approved by Console and when I download it to my cell phone the error 703 unable to play song mp3 appears. Can anyone help me?
Google said here Meet Google Play's target API level requirement | Android Developers
Let me quote the most important parts from that link
Starting August 31 2024:
- New apps and app updates must target Android 14 (API level 34) or higher to be submitted to Google Play
You will be able to request an extension to November 1, 2024 if you need more time to update your app. You'll be able to access your app's extension forms in Play Console later this year.
Today is July 17th.
So according to Google it still is not necessary to target SDK 34. If you get an error and you are not able to proceed, ask Google what is going on and ask them to follow their own rules they defined there
Also to only change the target sdk in the manifest will not help very much, because there are also behavioral changes to consider Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 14 or higher | Android Developers
Obviously I made a mistake when compiling in SDK 34, I think I should have waited for App Inventor to update, Thank you very much for your information
What does this error message have to do with targetSdkVersion=34
? Nothing. The same error should also appear with targetSdk < 34.
Show you relevant blocks.
Maybe I didn't make myself understood, my English is bad, I meant that when I compile the akp with sdk 34 and test it on my phone, it works perfectly, then, then, I compile the aab (with the apk to aab app), I upload it to Google Console, they approve it, then, I download the app and on my phone the sound no longer works when I press the buttons showing error 701 or 703. Is there a way to share the app here so they can see it?
The simplest solution is to
- increase the version number by 1
- compile the app with targetSdk=33
- upload the app (AAB) as an internal test track in the Play Dev console
- then wait until the universal APK is available and
- download and test it on your test devices.
Thank you very much !, I will do it