Error 1101: Unable to get response with the specified URL:

I am getting this error when trying to use the web component to Get data from URL: https://mydomain/MyFolder/get_data.php

If I navigate to this URL in the browser on my PC I get the data returned by the query. No errors.

Any Suggestions?

That's a very unusual URL..... post your Blocks:
Right-mouse in the Blocks work area and select "Download Blocks as image"


Perhaps this will work like the browser on your PC. The WebViewer is not a full featured browser; this extension has more features

Thank you for replying. I used a generic description of my URL. I downloaded the companion app and everything is working. I will post my blocks for any future questions.

Thank you. I will check it out. I downloaded the companion and I am getting the response text from my database now.

Please do this...

We did notice, it's just that it is of no use in order for us to help you.