Error 1101/1103: Unable to get a response with the specified URL: htpps://sitepam005.000

Good afternoon...

I'm doing a simple registration project using MYSql.

When I perform the tests directly on the server, the insertion occurs normally:

When I insert the app , it returns the error:

Error 1101: Unable to get a response with the specified URL: htpps://sitepam005.000...

Blocks APPInventor:

Php code:

This primary key is auto increment

Is that the exact error message?

Your urls are different

You should have a ? in front of Nome= not an &

Are you also using the emulator to test your app? There has been some known issues that the Web component returns a 1101 error using the Web component.

Good morning everybody!

I'm developing a system using server 000webhosting, but I'm not able to log in.

Anyone who can stay help me, I would be very grateful.

Below is a screen of errors and appInventor blocks:

Please show us complete Url that you are posting.
Show responseContent on an label.

Both are in the last image shown by the OP....



needs modification. Can you use GET with your php, if so just set everything to the url:


or if you must POST


Good morning everybody!
I've tried everything for several days
I'm developing a system using server 000webhosting, but I'm not able to log in.
Anyone who can stay help me, I would be very grateful.
Below is a screen of errors and appInventor blocks:


Something wrong with php file.

Find information in this Community about MySQL

Do you want the users to be able to login to the database, and perform database actions, or are you just using the database to register and use user logins in your app ?