Emerging bad behavior

w8 i just just realized i can download aiv file but how can i upload it here?

it not shown to upload.

Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, aia, webm, mp4, mov, pdf, txt, json, aix, ics, csv, hex, ino).

Perhaps this helps ?

Upload your app to https://unchive.kodular.io to get some statistics of your project and post the statistics overview

Do you know how to take a screenshot?


Do you mean something like this?

Well, the statistics overview from unchive would be nice to have as screenshot directly here in the community

Use this button to upload a screenshot on mobile


The recommendations already have been given by @Boban here My project doesn`t work, it's like 40 to 50 screens - #9 by Boban

many of your screens are identical mor or less

screen 11-14
screen 3, 15-18, 24, 26, 28-30
screen 19. 21, 25
screen 22, 23
screen 31

I have only one tip for you, reuse your screen's/components


For some recommendations see also Lansmana yeni çıkan kod kulesi - #4 by ABG and tip 1 here

General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor
