Emerging bad behavior

If you won`t help better let anyone else does

So you never saw the message when you added more than 10 screens?

He is helping you by telling you the info is on the Google Page. Your app often doesn't respond anymore. Maybe because of all the ads extensions you used and to many screens.

So you never saw the message when you added more than 10 screens?

i saw it lately but never knew about it when i started to use appinventor.

He is helping you by telling you the info is on the Google Page.

i think he is aggressive had something like that before from him.

Maybe because of all the ads extensions you used and to many screens
i used that and rebuild the app on it.

Building Apps with Many Screens

all extensions for admob

Is this related to this topic where you had a project with many screens and full of ads?

You can not expect that App Inventor is able to just handle everything and then deliver a stable working application. You have to follow rules and advise given.

@TIMAI2 is a respected and very helpful member of our community. I never saw him being aggressive, so calling him that is not something I like to see.

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okay i don`t see him helpful anyways !

I never knew him

its not an app full of ads i give teaching articles for free using ads in my app

  • that last issue no one helped to solve it and i tried so many things to solve it

My suggestion was here

You preferred to ignore it

Thank you for your answer.

i did not ignore it.

I uploaded it but didn`t know what should i do ?

Well, there was nothing uploaded from you, so there is nothing we could do to follow up
Protip: what about uploading that information now again?


i did upload it to this link


tell me what else should i do and i will

do you mean upload aia file here?

w8 i just just realized i can download aiv file but how can i upload it here?

it not shown to upload.

Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, aia, webm, mp4, mov, pdf, txt, json, aix, ics, csv, hex, ino).

Perhaps this helps ?

Upload your app to https://unchive.kodular.io to get some statistics of your project and post the statistics overview

Do you know how to take a screenshot?


Do you mean something like this?

Well, the statistics overview from unchive would be nice to have as screenshot directly here in the community

Use this button to upload a screenshot on mobile


The recommendations already have been given by @Boban here My project doesn`t work, it's like 40 to 50 screens - #9 by Boban

many of your screens are identical mor or less

screen 11-14
screen 3, 15-18, 24, 26, 28-30
screen 19. 21, 25
screen 22, 23
screen 31

I have only one tip for you, reuse your screen's/components


For some recommendations see also Lansmana yeni çıkan kod kulesi - #4 by ABG and tip 1 here

General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor
