My team developed an app in Appinventor, which is currently published in the Google Play Store. However, to update the published app, we need to target a higher API (29), and also some of our new functionalities require to edit the manifest file. Is there a way to do so?
We just published the companion on Dec 19th targeting SDK 28 and had no issues. I’m not sure where you’re getting the information that you need to target SDK 29 to update an existing app. Usually these things go into effect in November of the year following the SDK release (so SDK 29 will need to be targeted Nov 2020 for updated apps).
Also, be aware that our components aren’t updated yet for SDK 29, so increasing the target SDK may break your app in unexpected ways as Android APIs change behavior from release to release.
When I want to publish my app on Google Play, I get this message:
(Your app is currently targeting API level 30, but it must target at least level 31 to ensure that it is based on the latest security and performance-optimized APIs. You can change the API level your app targets to at least level 31.)
What is the solution please?