Dynamic Table Arrangement

Is it possible to create a Dynamic Table Arrangement, lets say 3x3.
How to address each cell to place text components?

I wouldn't use the table arrangement, it can be buggy...

If using dynamic components you can build your "table" using an outer vertical arrangement with inner horizontal arrangements, inside of each (horizontal arrangement) a row of textboxes or labels. With some formatting you will have your table.

See an example using @Kevinkun CompCreator extension


Thanks for the feedback...
I already have created the "table" using various dynamic components, and was hoping to reduce the code size by using a table arrangement....

Your goal is not clear, can you explain it better ?

If your goal is to reduce the code size, consider Taifun's Dynamic Table tutorial instead of an extension.

What to do depends on your goal as patel mentions. There are often many different tools to achieve a goal available in App Inventor.