DJI Tello Drone

Is er soms iemand bezig met de DJI Tello drone te programmeren met Mit app inventor
Ik zou graag weten hoe ik het camera beeld kan programmeren die uit de drone komt
Dank bij voorbaat

Perhaps these links will help Erwin. Tello can be 'programmed' using text messages.

You might explain what you mean. Do you want your Android to receive an image from the Tello or something else?

How to do this with Python is described GitHub - dji-sdk/Tello-Python: This is a collection of python modules that interact with the Ryze Tello drone.
Perhaps this can be done with Testing Python in App Inventor with Skulpt

Thank you for the quick answer Yes my intention was to see what the Tello sees on my mobile
I want to move away from Python ( Pycharm ) because with Mit app inventor you can work on smartphone and tablet , but not with python
I have already written small programs on a computer in Pycharm and that works great, but I don't see my computer taking it everywhere.