Need to check in test mode. If test mode is disabled, the banner may not be displayed.
thanks. it worked! but is only showing test ads, any idea on how to show like actual banner ads thanks.
You need to disable test mode before publishing in the app store. Test mode is needed to make sure that your blocks are configured correctly.
Ads may not be displayed for some users, this is normal.
This extension has old SDK of Unity Ads.
Is this extension work now
I believe this extension is not working anymore. And the developer has not been active for a long time. You might take a look at this latest (paid) extension.
Any updates?
I'm not paying for anything
Interesting attitude...
You could write your own extension and create the functionality yourself... then provide it for free to the community and additionally provide support in case people have questions... and of course keep the extension up to date in case there is a new SDK version or new Android SDK requirements...
more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...
PS: see also this comment (by @Italo)
You can start learning all you need to learn to do it, then do it, after long days of trying things, testing and failing, all in your spare time, leaving other things you like to do for this.
Then after all that time and intellect invested, just give it out for free so everyone can make money with it except you.
Sounds awesome right?
Sorry, I did not mean to be rude.