We'll all probably have gray hairs before this topic is resolved/closed.
Please not so many... there are already almost 100 posts...
We'll all probably have gray hairs before this topic is resolved/closed.
Please not so many... there are already almost 100 posts...
I do not know which version, I tried all three, and to me they look all the same. I posted the picture because I wanted to know what you want to do, certainly not make an app that looks like this.
And you are right, I will certainly not let the app like this ...
But for making a App or display something, or to programming something, I first need to know how MIT App Inventor works, how to display something, and last but not least, to know which data are relevant, and what blocks i need to use, to achieve this...
This app is the Prototype, but also my measuring tool, and finally a tool to programming more comfortably and with less errors... Because I will use only the commands, that is really needed, and that i will find out with the time...
And how you see, I was trying some things by my self without asking you, and sometimes I was not stopping to ask you sometimes stupid cuestions until I understand the block, or block's in cuestion fully...
And for the past, thanks for your Patience with me...
I hope I will learn it so that I someday know so much like you.
current sprites coordinates all the time while the app is running
Are you sure that is a good idea? You will not see anything until the sprites stop. I mean there will be a numbers running very fast while the sprites moving, like the thousandths of the seconds on a clock.
Hmm... I see you studying my case werry profoundly, and you every time relook my past, posts, I have the sensation, that you now are better informed about my case, then me.... This is werry fine.
And yes you are right, and this is one of my next things what I see to, when I was running the app.
And additiv to what you found out, there are an other problem... I don't know if you see it now, but in the list coming out wrong coordinates...
Fo example there we have numbers like y=20 but the middle sprite,( which is that with the arrow down) That mus give out a y coord like 80 or so...
And by the X coords are also errors...
Look and you will see...
And Ghica was found out that by the SpriteNames there is a double calculating of the same data's...
My problem is I have not a computerscreen, so that I can not work out from where comes the errors, i have only my tablet screen...
And the other problem is it now on button1 gives me out 84 instead of 124, and I can not find from where comes the error...
Thanks so much for looking in to my app
Hallo an alle,
Ich habe gerade wieder Probleme mit dem length block, da bekomme ich Jetzt kein Resultat mehr, sondern nur noch eine Fehlermeldung.
Hier sende ich die AIA file
Test4.aia (2.6 KB)
You cannot add to a list itself. Use an other list.
What do you want to achieve?
Edit: You can.
The problem with the button 3.
THe problem is, it does not update its own length if you add itself to itself so it looks like it has only one element. I do not know if it is a bug, or it is coming from the logic of the way it works.
As I said, use 2 lists.
use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
I don't recall ho was sending me, to try something new, and to reply what I think about it...
This was I think a sort of homework, to create this AIA file with this Block combination, but I don't find the original post where they was sending me the block combination to do....
And I create the file and post it but, I don't find the Original post...
This Block combinations was suggested it was working in the past, but now it works no more....
Einer von euch hatte mir diese Aufgabe geschickt, ich habe diese File erstellt, und es hat funktioniert, und es war für mich nur eine Übung.... Und diese do it Funktion verstehe ich nicht, die Fehler sind trotzdem da... Und müssen gelöst werden ...
Aber wie bekomme ich eine ordentliche Längenangabe auf button3?
It has never worked and will never work, you are creating an infinite loop that causes memory overflow. I don't know why you want to add the list to itself? Are you creating tasks for us to solve out of boredom? Additionally, claiming that it used to work... I also changed the section of this topic because the problems presented here are not the result of bugs in AppInventor...
It works:
Test5.aia (2.7 KB)
It looks like you do not understand the purpose of debugging
Ok, acknowledged, but someone was send me the complete blocks combination, but now I don't find anymore the post that have this Block combinations. Ho send me this? Because unfortunately I don't recall the name....
Excuse for asking.
And, no, I don't create tasks out of boredom for you.
I have real cuestions,and real problems to solve, and I will really understand Mit App Inventor, and i really sometimes are slow in understanding....
And I really really really appreciate thankful that you help me...
But sometimes I try to solve my problems by myself, to not all times molest you with my cuestions, but you see, in the most cases this things explode in my face....
Ok, if this example does not work, and you was sending me this test5.aia example that works, then I can forget this example, and we can proceed to work on my left edge project?
And for this I will in the next time install my computer, (my neighbour give me a computer as gift) (in German "Gift" means poison) , and when I survive the installation of my computer, then we finally can work more comfortable, and last but not least, more normal, and more understandable for you.
And it is not so that I don't understand what is debugging, ...but I have problems to understand the use of the "do it" fuction, Because I was found out the errors by myself, and only Because this I was able to form a cuestion to ask you for help....
Debugging: a term used by programmers: correcting/ cleaning a program, (taking out the errors ( bugs))
I speak Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, a little bit of English, a little bit Turkish, arabish, albanish, russian, polnish, yugoslawish, urdu,(the musulman part of indish language) hindy, srilankan, and a few words in chinese corean, and japanese....
In with language you want that I translate for you the word "debugging" ? Lol....
See entry 1
I don't use this "do it function in the moment, it has no importance for my to learn it at the moment, In the future yes.
In the moment I will learn firsttime how to get the length of a word, in a list, item by item, the bigest one.
This as a formula or block combination, and that it is for me understandable, and that it can be used in combination with all objekttypes:
Such as buttons labels, listviews, lists, textboxes, sprites,and arangements and canvases, and in combinations with the width of each of this types of objekts and also to get this variables displayed In the objekts named above, one formula that is aplicable to all and from all objects.
And so that I as a dumb beginner can understand it, and learn it, and so that it make sense to me, and i will learn and use this functions first, and then we can jump to an other funktion until i learn it and undestand it, and then the next, and so on.
I was so much year's In school, and there I was learning nothing, the only things what I learn was the things that I was learn by my way: slowly, and step by step, item by item.
Thanks for not trow me In the trashbin, and giving me a possibility to learn programming....
Give us the possibility to answer your questions by learning Do-it!
Have you installed the Companion on your computer yet?