Designer Internal Error

I got an internal error while designing and then viewer remains mad. Components tree is ok, components properties as well.

I was copying and pasting a label inside a TableArrangment (4x2). This happened twice. I had to remove the project and make it again.

Is it possible to repair it without start over.


Don't, the is a bug in the Table Arangement. Better to use vertical and horizontal arrangements to make your layout

I got it, thanks.

But, is it possible to be repaired or I have to start over?

Try removing the table arrangement ?

Before you remove the Table Arrangement, drag all its contents out and into Vertical and/or Horizontal Arrangements.

Once the Table Arrangement is empty, you can delete it without the risk of removing components and their blocks.

There is no reason to use Table Arrangements. They are harder to use than nested Horizontal and Vertical Arrangements, and they don't offer the convenience of copying and pasting Horizontal Arrangement rows into a Vertical Arrangement .

If you PM me your project I can do it for you.

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