Deleting text in a txt file without losing the file (using a Bluestacks emulator)

The exact problem is that when the timer goes off on the app (i use bluestacks to run the app on my pc)
it gives an error message that he cant find the path to the external file, like you can see in the picture,
I need to read that file because thats the only file the python code can acces.

this is the error code

Something like this should work for your purpose:

the file you added exists or not?

i dont know how to go to that specific directory, google has also failed me

the /storage/emulated/0/text.txt blocks really have to float? allrght ill try it

It should only explain what the absolute path is. The File component uses β†’ the relative path. The TaifunFile extension works with both (absolute or relative) paths.

Absolute path β†’ /storage/emulated/0/text.txt
relative path β†’ /text.txt

oh i see, but where do i find this path? as in on my pc where could i locate that specific folder then?

See the last post in this discussion Using BlueStacks to run an app on my PC (and save data to the PC) .

It is in the root dir of the external storage.
On your device it's shown as Internal Storage.

On PC, e.g. on a Note8:

See also here:

i found that shared folder and now placed the file there thanks

found it, i gotta tweek it a little more but thanks

i am almost done thanks to you mainly, the lasst question i should have now is can you make an external file in the appmaker? right now i need to delete the file after i have accessed it but is there a command to basically make the file exist again? since i need it emptied every 5 seconds i was think i delete the file entirely after the sequence and when it starts again i just remake it

i found it