Data from BLE are read only once

You are receiving only half a message.

Look in the sender.

You change code for arduino every now and then. Sometimes you send one value, other times you send two values. Two values ​​separated by |, other times a newline...sometimes you send zeros, other times random values. Now since receiving works and more than once, change your arduino program to target and then come back with the result.

So you think my blocks are correct, I should check my Arduino code?

Would your eyes fall out of your head if you were to read your own code?

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No I read it many times and it seemed to me correct and logic that's why I asked.

It helps a programmer to understand his code when they explain their code to others.

It is called a walkthrough.

Your next post should be an illustrated essay walking us through the parts of your code that format, transmit, receive, and parse your data.

Use lots of words.
