Data display options


  1. I have an excel spreed sheet that I am going to export as a csv file.
    I need a suggestion on what to use to be able to display it on the screen. It would be anything from 10 to 100 rows.

  2. Is there a script or code I can run to get an exchange rate between USD and ZAR?

I haven't started on this project yet because I don't know how to display it to the user, no point in starting if I can't get that right, right!

Thanks in advance

  1. Only rows or also columns? If only rows, you can display the data in ListView.


    Exchange_rate (1).aia (3.0 KB)

To display in a table, try Taifun's tutorial or use an extension like Ken's Tableview extension

For exchange rates, this might be helpful API: extract a certain value out of the data