Hi, I encountered an issue with WordPress and CustomWebView. Every time I launch the app, authorization on the site is lost, as if the cookies aren't being saved. There are no such problems when working with any browser, authorization always remains.
It seems like there is a problem with saving cookies.
hey , i use CostumWebView extension its work well but i see , upload file does not working , its do nothing when i click on the choose file button on my website for uplad an image , pls help me thanls
Hi, I'm just learning how to use mit ai2. I have been stuck for 3 days now trying to figure out how to make links within customwebview page either open in devices default browser or open in a native app. ie facebook link in facebook app, snapchat link in snapchat app. My site in customwebview is a new google sites website (not sure if it makes any difference). if anyone is able to help me out with how to block code this it would be much appreciated. thankyou in advance.
Probably ugly code and I'm sure there is a better way to do it but this seems to be working if anyone has the same issue.
I know that's what I need to do, I just don't know how to do it.
Also thanks for the tip about the documentation. However, using the DownloadBlob block seems to have broken my downloading completely. That, or it's just not sending a notification that it is downloading.