CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

Hi I have a problem I get this:
Argument #2 ( to 'com.sunny.CustomWebView.CustomWebView.CreateWebView(,int)' has wrong type ( (expected:
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds

What I need to do??

This is my app I don't know if is that uri VixthyPlus1.61
Because I can't get the arquive download link directly I' m begginer on programming apps thanks for your help :wink:

You gave it a table arragangment for the container. You need to give it some other container like a horizontal view.

Blob urls aren't supported in CustomWebView.
Though there is a workaround for data urls, which you can find few posts above.

try this solution I am making a browser (help) - #4 by TIMAI2

I do it i add horizontal view load a html and it crash (my app just close)

blocks (4)
This is not working. App is getting closed/crashed as soon as it is opened before loading. Help me.

Its happening with me too

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Are these all your blocks?
How did you initialze the custom webviewer?
Read some of the previous contributions in this thread to find out what needs to be done


@S.V_Arul_Shiju @Gergo_Toth
This example might help you both


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Thankyou. il try it.

I tried to mimic the same. But, I can't find all the blocks shown in the image. I shall share both the images here.

  1. Correct Image that you told to follow:

  2. My attempt:
    blocks (5)

I managed to find all other blocks except 'VerticalArrangement1. Where can I find it. Guide me. Thanks.

There is no such block. So, what can I do?

I wonder have you ever worked with layouts/arrangements. :thinking:
You have been here for 1 year, that's so strange.


Okay. So, I shall create layout first. Thankyou.We can open url using webview without Layouts. So, I failed to assume about Layout in this case. Okay, Thankyou for your support. I am opening mit after a long time. That also may be a reason for not guessing the right thing. Okay, let me work/try. Thankyou.

Okay it worked now when I created a layout (Vertical Arrangement.) as you told. So, let me try the same in my real project. Thankyou.

A post was merged into an existing topic: To Open email link eg, while clicking on it in webview page⁸

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Video player help

A post was merged into an existing topic: Video player help

A post was merged into an existing topic: Video player help