CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

Thank you Taifun.

Anything new in the last 3 months in Push Notification?

Pura Vida,

Carlos Bieberach

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@biesys This works for me:
CustomWebView_Permission_mod.aia (81.4 KB)
Sometimes websites don't pass CAMERA and RECORD_AUDIO in permission list so previous approach wasn't working with that link.

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It worked perfectly.

In my test Tablet Android 5.1 running MIT AI2 Companion for testing purposes, camera worked and mic failed.

Then tested in my normal Tablet Android 10 your apk installed it worked perfectly.

Thank you Sunny.

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Hi. Please tell me how we can add the AdHosts to block ads. Where can I find the list of AdHosts? And also how to separate multiple AdHosts.

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Here is a good example:


hi @vknow360, thanks for this great ext

I have a problem with download, while using this block you've made
I've downloading .BIN file form internet, but the file downloaded seem to be way smaller in size than the original.
The problem not happen when i downloaded it in chrome.

have any idea?

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Can you share download link?

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I'm trying to download a data image URI and I get that same error that @MathMan05 was experiencing earlier this year. Is there some activity starter method or extension to fix it.

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how to remove permissions ?

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I have another problem custom WebView gives runtime error that method not found for every method like createwebview setwebview and all please help

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It works absolutely fine for me.

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Maybe you should try reloading the page. If the issue persists then you will have to reimport the extension.


I am getting another issue i use everything as documentation and it works. But problem is it dose not open all websites. Like if i go to then its working but when i use it fails.
i think customwebview cannot handle redirect urls because my website id redirect to and some times ?i=1 at end of my url. Please help

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Maybe problem is caused by certificate


I guess there was a option to ignore ssl not sure

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I used proceedsslerror.proceed =true but not working

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Also i can not go back from new window created using the documentation

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Something wrong with your logic.
Working fine for me.


It works now but how can i close new window and select multiple files at once in webviewer uploadfile please help.

For now i can only upload one file to my php server