Customwebview+Activity starter issue

I used to be able to use the fileuploadneeded event without any issues. Now it won't work anymore. Here are my blocks.

Btw geolocation in my weather embed using html5 geolocation still doesn'work in Customwebviewer.

Please somebody help :tired_face:

If FileAccess is not true then FileUploadNeeded event won't be triggered.
Same case with UsesLocation.

Since you are enabling these properties under the events which are supposed to be fired due to their value so it doesn't even make sense.

Place these property blocks after SetWebView.

Let me tell you an interesting fact, every single question related to CustomWebView has been answered either directly in extension topic or in community, at this point. You just need to find it. Hope you can mange that.

First of all Thank You. You fixed the FileUpload issue, and now the weather embed is starting to work, but it still gets stuck saying loading... instead of showing the weather like it does on mobiile. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this issue?

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