Custom Label - Customize text and make custom emojis πŸ˜‰

Short description

Makes a Custom label in a arrangement.

Picture of all the blocks


HTML Support
Some basic Markdown Support
Custom Emojis



Sets up the custom label view in the layout provided.

layout | component


Registers emoji to extension. Pass a dictionary with key as codename and value as imageurl for the first parameter. Pass the codename as key and value to size as second parameter. Note when loading text you have to give the applied emojis list also in the loadtext block.

emojiCodeNameWithUrl | dictionary

emojiCodeNameWithSize | dictionary


Loads the given text into the custom label view.

text | text

appliedEmojisCodeName | list

verticalScrollEnabled | boolean


Sets up the custom label view in the layout provided.

layout | component


Registers emoji to extension. Pass a dictionary with key as codename and value as imageurl for the first parameter. Pass the codename as key and value to size as second parameter. Note when loading text you have to give the applied emojis list also in the loadtext block.

emojiCodeNameWithUrl | dictionary

emojiCodeNameWithSize | dictionary


Loads the given text into the custom label view.

text | text

appliedEmojisCodeName | list

verticalScrollEnabled | boolean

Download link

com.aktech.customlabel.aix (29.1 KB)

Demo Blocks

Aia -
testtt.aia (31.6 KB)
Apk - Download


Made using Rush!
Thank you


To explain a amazing use of custom emoji see this screen recording -

Note : video may be of kodular but it works in appinventor and kodular both :wink:
1 Like

That is Superb Extension :wink: :+1:

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Thanks @Salman_Dev i hope you will be shocked with my next extension :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I can't wait for your next extension

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no need now

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could you make it so that we could've used images as a label emoji and write it as a text or so

ive been told, i am getting thick of it everybody knows, they know me where its close i am arose to the screen to the pen to the ring that my throne where iam the king with the crown living in
woahhhhhhhhh woahhhh woahhhhhhhhhh
that how the story goes
woahhhhhhhhh woahhhh woahhhhhhhhhh
thats how the drama rose

pls ignore the thick of it song part