.csv to listview

Thanks dora, now alo I try and take the opportunity to address the
Appinventor makers:
I realize that you have done a tremendous job, transforming a studio software, into a real laboratory of experiences and programming culture, which has given me and still offers me for free, possibilities that until yesterday were unimaginable for one. like me, who does not know how to plan, thanks to you and that I renew to all of you who try to help millions of others like me and better than me.

However, I would still like to underline my point of view, but because you do not solve these problems that seem trivial to me, it seems logical to me to have to think that whoever loads data from the disk or the web, these data should appear in the new container, as they are. in the worksheet.
Why force for days, to find a solution that should be inserted by default? Like others for example:

  1. Allow the coloring of warning messages
  2. Insert in Android a root directory that works on all devices and that the component that has to load or save any file is sure that it works on all Android, which currently does not happen. Why?
  3. You know that you need permissions for some components, why not insert them already in the component itself, or make sure that a caption, a message, warns the developer that it will be necessary to request the authorization by listing which, so that, with the copy paste can insert it? Rather than driving everyone crazy trying to figure out which of these, that component has to ask for.
    I have dozens of Apps that I would like to publish but some already are refused and I have not yet understood what I have to do, what permissions to request and how to insert them.
    You must remember that not everyone understands English and translations are not always understood exactly.
  4. if I have to download a file or send it to a server, create two components, names (Download) (Upload) example: "Download-enter url" Upload enter url "and when I click on the button it must be able to download the file or have it uploaded easily.
  5. in the help of the components you are really clear in the explanations on what they are for, but report only the image of the component, if you also insert examples of blocks for each component for how to use them, even those who do not know English would understand immediately, while for components of a certain difficulty, in addition to the examples with the images of the blocks showing the complete operation, a video would also be of help.
    In short, in order not to continue to get bored, what you can make clearer do it, always think, even if you already do it, but do it more, to those who do not know anything about programming and who are from another nation.
    The purpose of having created Appinventor is to have only a few lines of code written and to be understandable for most developers.
    So what does it matter, that someone has to learn programming, insert blocks of complete code for each component, there are people like me who have no memory, do not understand English, do not know how to program, but with visual examples the videos and how use that component, they would astound you.
    You are the programmers, you already know how to program, your experience must not be that of teaching programming, but to make your knowledge available to everyone (go beyond what you have already achieved, it will be much easier for you too that you don't have to more to create components but blocks of complete code), imagine if you divided each of your app into blocks of complete code for each component you use, explaining with simplicity what it does and what it would do, many of us would take such pieces of code (not just components) and would be able to make really creative and useful apps.

Last and I'm done, even if I see all the code of an app, I don't understand anything, but if these blocks are selected one by one, explaining each function. I would be able to figure out which block of code I need or which app to create with some of these blocks.
I hope I have not offended anyone, if I did I apologize, it was not my intention.

You are all extraordinary, because you are able to solve. problems that are simple for you but for those like me they are enormous.
It took a few simple blocks to solve a problem, good Dora thank you again very heartily it worked great splendid and splendid all of you.

Last of mine I will think:
the patience of all of you is incomparable.

You must be proud, and do not be angry if at times we forget to thank you or ask you please especially when you find yourself in front of someone like me, who just for certain simple things asks you for help.

I understand, but you must understand that all your help enables millions of us, who know nothing about programming, to be able to program, of course, with the code of others, but it is not their fault, it is not my fault not knowing, not knowing English, not easily understanding your explanations, or not being able to learn, but this does not mean that he should be denied to realize, even with code snippets of other apps.

This shouldn't really be the purpose of Appinventor to allow everyone to program.

So do not be discouraged if you have ever done it, about when we are stubborn, but be sure that your contribution, which we would always be grateful to, allows us to create apps that are sometimes useful for society.
Thank you guys very, very much.

There is an old adage in learning / training:

I hear I forget
I see I remember
I do I understand

I fear that even if folks here provided detailed usage guides, with examples, on every single block, it would still not help you sufficiently to build blocks into programs. (I hear/I see)

However, if you took the time and effort to try out each block yourself, create examples yourself, then you will have a much better chance of progressing with AppInventor ( I do) - this is what most of the Power Users have done over the years - knowing "everything", :wink: , doesn't just happen overnight, and we are still learning every day.

There are also a wide range of tutorials provided that you can follow, to assist with understanding and application of logic in your programs.

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You should've reminded him of the Do it feature which helps in achieving this. :sweat_smile::joy:

I agree with you, but I already took this for granted and it applies to those who have the ability and intellect to learn, as well as the time and the ability to understand and want to learn to become a perfect programmer.

These people, like you, are smart people who sometimes even bother being given a lot of information about a particular project, because they want to equal you and learn everything there is to learn.

Then there are the others. I'll give you an example:
Piero and Paolo, live in the mountains, have never had contact with other people and with civilization.

They always carried the goods by hand.

They go down to the city the first thing they see is a demolition where there are mechanical parts of all kinds from cars to planes.
They see the various parts of objects but they do not know what they were used for, and they see the wheels, many thoughts and many images of how they could have used all that material are unleashed in their minds, they present it to the demolitioner, telling him that according to them with those pieces they would have been able to build something, but they don't know what yet.

But the breaker stops them and tells them that to use those parts, they must first work the iron, then make the shapes and then the pieces they see, then they must learn physics, mathematics, mechanics and so on and then, be gods. good fitters and mount them, then become mechanics and study, study and study.

They just ask him to leave them for a few days in the midst of that good thing, telling him to explain just what each piece they notice was for, like some parts already assembled by him, who previously was a racing car mechanic, so much so that costs, now the pieces are all there, many unused for some time.

The gentleman accepts.

After a few days, as he approaches the shed, he sees an object flying over the shed and two people on a spaceship greet him and thank him.

Of course I took the example to the extreme, but Appinventor as far as I understand it was created to provide those who are not programmers with a much softer approach to programming, otherwise as it happened before, many would not even have come close to programming. . Some of these will become super programmers.

I ask to pass that stage, to pass beyond.

I create a piece of car that turns on the high and low beams, I explain how I did it and what it can be used for, then another piece that makes the wheels turn, and so on, I make available every object and explanation, as basic as possible , then it will be the creativity of those who know how to program of those who do not, to create more complete objects and not necessarily cars.

Opening the world and one's knowledge to creativity not only to the professional one, this should be the goal of every human being, to collaborate with anyone by facilitating every approach, to make the world better.

End of the novel sorry I got carried away, I was starting to delirious.

Let us return to the matter in hand:

I would like to populate the listview from a csv file

From your provided csv file: Comuni.csv.

I uploaded Comuni.csv to the assets in my project
When the screen initialises, i read the csv file from the assets
When the read gets `text, i first convert this to an AI2 list
Then, because the list of items is a list of lists (one column/many rows)
I have to extract the inner list items to another list in order to
display the list without any brackets



Are you able to understand this, and apply it yourself ?

Sorry Timal2, look what I wrote was not directed to you, it just wanted to be a reflection for everyone in general.

To answer your question:
I think you missed an important part of my speech,
To those in my situation, (everything I have explained) the explanation is not important, which normally as in this case I am not able to understand, but the function, that is, what is it for, what it does, then a nice .aia file and an .apk to see it running.

This meant that it would have led me to understand without unnecessary waste of time and also how to use it, without errors.

Surely it would have given me other ideas, on how to apply it on other occasions and perhaps, seeing it in operation, would have made me think of others, which perhaps, without such examples, would never have occurred to me.

From a small grain of sand, a thousand ideas can be born, provide that complete grain of sand and you too will perhaps learn that it could be used in a thousand other ways, which surely you would have come to by yourself, but putting it at the disposal of millions of other ignorant like me, it would have saved you time.
This I meant.

Finally, if Appinvnetor provided pieces of blocks, like this one to carry out complete operations of various kinds, many, even those who know how to program, would save time and these blocks and functions would give rise to many more ideas, because the time spent looking for solutions on the web, often useless, he would devote himself to creating perhaps more innovative apps.

In short, if I were able to create a software with Appinventor I would not create components, but many blocks that carry out each complete operation, for all the existing components and I would make them available, with already complete .aia files and videos and I am sure that all other similar software would almost become obsolete.

I am even more certain, that we would discover unexpected talents not only among professionals, but also among the ignorant in programming.

then you will learn nothing / understand nothing!

I provide you with working blocks, for you to try out yourself, so that you will understand how they go together and work for you.

Everyone has the ability to learn, but they have to want to learn, which in your case, is that you want to understand AppInventor so that you can build blocks correctly.

Try it, what have you got to lose ?

So I reread the translations I sent, because I couldn't understand your invitation to try your blocks and the tone of your answers.
I clarify avoiding misunderstandings, TImal2 you have all my esteem, as all those of the forum have, I would never allow myself to make any direct note to anyone of you, but not even for an idea, you are my idols, without you I would not be been able to create even the simplest app.

What you read, I wrote it in the plural and towards the whole community and in general, the translation transcribed it in the singular and you are right, it seemed to reread it, that I had written it for you.

It is not so believe me and when I was talking about examples with .aia files, once again it was in a general discourse, sorry, I would never have allowed myself to write such a novel to direct it to any of you and it seemed strange to me that you would answer me with somewhat severe tones.

Unfortunately, some parts of the speech I managed to correct others I didn't see because where I am now, people distract me.

Your example didn't try it, not because you didn't post the .aia file, (and it wasn't directed at you) but because Dora had posted the same blocks to me that worked, so I already knew how to use it.

As for learning, believe me, despite everything I have written, I am creating with your help an app of great use, which otherwise I would never have been able to create, unfortunately I need the visual examples and if possible file .aia, because sometimes I have a lot of difficulty in understanding the code, while through complete files I understand better and I save a lot of time, because sometimes I make mistakes in the blocks that I do not notice due to fatigue and in the end I give up.

Believe me before I contact you, I go around the net on Youtube, on other sites, but sometimes even with the vision of the videos, it remains difficult for me to understand and even if I realize all the blocks I see in the videos, for some reason they don't work. , and I give up.

I am not able to memorize what I do and what I read, as I told you I have a weak memory, I spend hours and hours on the PC to create apps that you would realize in 5 minutes.

Anyway now I'll try your blocks anyway, but trust me really, the whole talk was in general never directed at you.

So this topic has a solution, did you mark it as solved? Shall we close it now ?

I also tried your blocks and they work, but I had no doubts before and I wouldn't have any anyway.
Because often when I repeat the blocks it is I who make mistakes even a little while ago, when I tried it it didn't work, because I had inserted a wrong block, in fact after having corrected it everything went great, thanks again to everyone.

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