Thanks dora, now alo I try and take the opportunity to address the
Appinventor makers:
I realize that you have done a tremendous job, transforming a studio software, into a real laboratory of experiences and programming culture, which has given me and still offers me for free, possibilities that until yesterday were unimaginable for one. like me, who does not know how to plan, thanks to you and that I renew to all of you who try to help millions of others like me and better than me.
However, I would still like to underline my point of view, but because you do not solve these problems that seem trivial to me, it seems logical to me to have to think that whoever loads data from the disk or the web, these data should appear in the new container, as they are. in the worksheet.
Why force for days, to find a solution that should be inserted by default? Like others for example:
- Allow the coloring of warning messages
- Insert in Android a root directory that works on all devices and that the component that has to load or save any file is sure that it works on all Android, which currently does not happen. Why?
- You know that you need permissions for some components, why not insert them already in the component itself, or make sure that a caption, a message, warns the developer that it will be necessary to request the authorization by listing which, so that, with the copy paste can insert it? Rather than driving everyone crazy trying to figure out which of these, that component has to ask for.
I have dozens of Apps that I would like to publish but some already are refused and I have not yet understood what I have to do, what permissions to request and how to insert them.
You must remember that not everyone understands English and translations are not always understood exactly. - if I have to download a file or send it to a server, create two components, names (Download) (Upload) example: "Download-enter url" Upload enter url "and when I click on the button it must be able to download the file or have it uploaded easily.
- in the help of the components you are really clear in the explanations on what they are for, but report only the image of the component, if you also insert examples of blocks for each component for how to use them, even those who do not know English would understand immediately, while for components of a certain difficulty, in addition to the examples with the images of the blocks showing the complete operation, a video would also be of help.
In short, in order not to continue to get bored, what you can make clearer do it, always think, even if you already do it, but do it more, to those who do not know anything about programming and who are from another nation.
The purpose of having created Appinventor is to have only a few lines of code written and to be understandable for most developers.
So what does it matter, that someone has to learn programming, insert blocks of complete code for each component, there are people like me who have no memory, do not understand English, do not know how to program, but with visual examples the videos and how use that component, they would astound you.
You are the programmers, you already know how to program, your experience must not be that of teaching programming, but to make your knowledge available to everyone (go beyond what you have already achieved, it will be much easier for you too that you don't have to more to create components but blocks of complete code), imagine if you divided each of your app into blocks of complete code for each component you use, explaining with simplicity what it does and what it would do, many of us would take such pieces of code (not just components) and would be able to make really creative and useful apps.
Last and I'm done, even if I see all the code of an app, I don't understand anything, but if these blocks are selected one by one, explaining each function. I would be able to figure out which block of code I need or which app to create with some of these blocks.
I hope I have not offended anyone, if I did I apologize, it was not my intention.