Creating application as booking application

Hi i want to make an application for my chalet it will consist from 4 screens in the first screen i want to put a calendar that every day will have the time that its booked and the name
thats my first time please help

Welcome Sara.

Here is a start. Try Sajal's Booking App tutorial

i want to make a calendar for each month so how i will make it

pls if you can help

Depending on how you want to use your calendar, you could use a DatePicker and some code ( see DatePicker ) .

If you want to select a block of dates, you probably have to use a Clock component and your own code to select a contiguous block of dates. You might be able to use a Table or use this example by Taifun and adapt it htmlDatePicker .

What you might do depends on your App Inventor coding skills.

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thank you so much I really appreciate it but can I ask you for any thing i want to do :innocent: :grin:

This community is meant for asking questions, so, ask all you want!

:innocent: :innocent: