like this the Canvas.SaveAs method stores the file in the ASD... is this what you want? the path to the shared storge is missing there...
you are using the synchronous Move method, which means, the Moved event never will fire... that event only fires after using the MoveAsync method... see also the documentation...
. the ShareFile method might need a full apth (starting with file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/... ) or a relative path (starting with /Pictures/...)
Try to replace the underscore "_" with a minus "-" (here: ...KidsDibujoImages-...)
and use the move async block (as @Taifun mentioned) to trigger the TaifunFile.Moved event.
Yes, I tried your aia. It works for me.
In the app, when I create first signature on canvas then save it in gallery using Save Button and then again create a signature on canvas and after that when I use the Save Button then the old signature is replaced by the new signature. But I want that both the old and the new signatures will save in gallery. So please help me in this.
And thanks for your time and support.