I'm using Android 14. Heve tried that link, and it doesn't work. I've tried several companion versions as well.
Unfortunately I'm clueless, the latest version should have helped you 2.73ad2 unless there is a issue with specific phone model.
Which is yours?
Samsung A13. It was working ok until late today. that 2.73ad2 came up with different errors. I don't think they fixed it properly.
Can you pull out the logcat of the issue.
[quote="Mike_B, post:1, topic:134090, full:true"]
The problem with the companion not finding extensions has resurfaced for me. I am using compnion 2.73. Is there a better version? if so, could you please provide a link.
I also tried on an old phone running Android 6, and that came up with the same results.
Don't know how to get the logcat.
Btw, Are you sure you are using version 2.73ad2.
Yes I'm sure.
It doesn't work on Android =< 5:
Did you delete the Companion folder beforehand, reload the browser and then connect to Companion?
Yes I Did. Nothing works. I've tried everything suggested. Giving me the poops. Tried 2.73ad2 again. No good. Is MIT working on it?
they only can work on something, if they get information
unfortunatly you did not provide anything useful...
to just say "does not work" does not help very much...
The issues that I have said are well known. As far as ADB is concerned, I am hopeless with command-line.
Am I the only one experiencing the problem or is it widespread?
Try with Niotron:
Companion App:
First time using Niotron.So I'm not sure I did everything right. But got into the builder ok. And downloaded the Niotron Companion ok.
Transported an AIA over to the builder ok.Came up with an error 'Unable to find...' Same as MIT. Tried to build. Came up with an error.
Got white screen on Niotron companion...Same as MIT
Share your project that you are having trouble with.
It seems your project is corrupted.
Post the aia or send it to me via PM.
I think I may have solved the problem. But I have more work to do. My internet is down today due to the power being off. I am using my phone as a stopgap. I will post my results later.
Thanks for all the help. I may need to use it later.
The problem was a corrupted extension (which I did myself). Everything is now back to normal with my Companion (I think). Still have problems with my App though. But that is my lack of knowledge dealing with coding errors. May still need some help, but I will open a new topic if neccessary.
My brain is addled. Thanks all.
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