Hola les hago una consulta desarrollé una aplicación y todavía no la subí al Google store, se la quiero mostrar a mí posible cliente (comprador de la app) pasándole el archivo apk. Seguramente después de mostrarle cómo funciona el querrá usarla por una semana para ver qué tal va, y el tema es que si después me dice que no quiere comprarla como hago yo para saber que el efectivamente la ha borrado y no se la ha quedado? No entiendo cómo hacer para que transcurrido un determinado tiempo él ya no pueda seguir usandola, hay algún modo de limitar su uso? Muchísimas Gracias por la ayuda que me puedan dar
Welcome Patricio.
A simple solution is to use a Clock.Timer in your Screen1.Initialize event handler.
Compare the date Now with the date you provided the app to your potential client. The documentation is > Clock
If the current date is passed the trial period, close application .
There might be better ways to create an app that works for a limited time. Create an example app and see if a Clock works tp do what you want?
You could build in a check for a registration code that becomes active after the trial expires (days since first run).
Give him the built in registration code after he pays.
Thank you all very much for your ideas, in less than a day I got three answers and I am very happy to know that there are people in the world trying to help those we know least. I will tell you what I came up with according to your ideas: I added to each screen an invisible Horizontal arragment, with 3 labels, one that said Application in trial period, the second label I use as space (250 pixels) and the third one that said "Sorry for the inconvenience. Session expired". And I added a clock to each screen and according to the screen and the content that I had on some clocks, I puted 12 seconds in one, 15 seconds in another, etc. so that the client can use the application a little but he will desire to use it a little more. I did not want to put the function to close the application because I found it a bit shocking and what I want is to be able to sell it (this would be my first application sold if God wants). The idea is going to be, show him the real application, from my cell phone and give him a test version that opens the horizontal arragments so that it is a bit annoying and he wants to acquire the good version. Thank you very much to all
I thought there was some extension to install it and put a trial period, to make it easier to create a trial period. Anyway, in this case, if everything goes well, I would sell the application to the owner of the business and then upload it to the google app store so that its clients can download it (I do not need their clients to test my application but rather the owner of the business that is who would pay me)
Yes, your idea would allow someone to test
Here are two other ideas, one using an expiration date, the other using a method similar to what you decided.
How to: A simple way to limit usage of an app presented for evaluation purposes
Good luck with your Project Patricio