Colin Tree List view sorting ascending & descending

Since Colin's ListView doesn't need dictionaries, it's a list of lists.

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I can use list of lists with listview sufficiently.
So what is the advantage of a dictionary for listview?

What do you mean?

Someone came up with this and we can't talk about advantages or disadvantages. It could have been based on a list of lists, but someone based it on a dictionary and that's also good. In programming we have so many possibilities that there is no single good solution.

My listview is working fine together with an list

ListView or ColinTree-ListView? It is important to remember that ColinTree-ListView is not based on RecyclerView and with large amounts of data performance may be poor.

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ok, thank you for this important hint.
I actually compare both, ListView and ColinTree Listview to check which is more comfortable to modify and convenient for enduser (using iconimage, extrabuttons,..).
Actually i also search for a move function, to move elements up and down in a listview

Search the forum for extensions or complex blocks for that, there are several different ways you can "move" listview items up and down (but I would suggest you do this with the underlying list, then re-display the listview!)

I am trying to move the elements by using this blocks, but the colintreelistview extension does not offer a selectionindex.
I do not use a list underlying list so far.
How can i move up and down the items?

Um, it is right there in front of you...


you also have this:


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