Statistic.h - where is that library?
Edit: found it - by Rob Tillaart on github
Statistic.h - where is that library?
Edit: found it - by Rob Tillaart on github
Hi Arthur, try this version of the Sketch. I think 400ms may be too fast......
sketch_Water_level_ON_OFF_V2.txt (4.3 KB)
We generally do not recommend using the Table Arrangement as it is very easy to inadvertently create a bug with it. However, so far, yours is good........
You did not pay attention to the notes by ABG and that possibly accounts for the slowness you see.
Note that, before the App is run, Smartphone Location should be switched on (and Bluetooth of course).
Your Blocks will work as long as nothing unexpected happens. It's usually a good idea to give the App time to find devices and time to connect to the one selected.
Try this modified Project:
Last_Version_V4_with_on_off_buttons.aia (207.6 KB)
It works perfectly, thank you a lot everybody !
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