Cannot install App inventor emulator


I cannot install App inventor emulator (aistarter is well installed)

I add App inventor screenshot message's, when I try to install it.

Can you help me to install App inventor emulator?

Thank you,


Prova_Instal·lacio_Emulator.pdf (7.2 MB)

There seems to be an issue with the emulator currently. Please wait for the problem to be fixed. Already assigned to the MIT.

We haven't established there is a problem on our end, so there's nothing to wait for yet. I was asking my colleague a question in that post.

In this particular case, since the screenshots show the old emulator, the most likely culprit is that the dialog that requests an update to the companion has been ignored. Whenever someone gets an error where the package "" is repeated, this indicates that they have an old companion before extension support was added. We probably should make it so that dialog cannot be bypassed when the version number is older than a certain value...

Edit: To follow up, we strongly recommend that you install the newer emulator package for Windows since the old version will likely stop working in January of next year if you use Google Chrome.

Thank you very much, Evan,

The emulator package version we installed first it is: version 2.3.0 - date published 2/18/2021.

We are going to install the newer emulator package for Windows.

Thank you very much.