Can you help me with my idea?

I want to make an app where when I turn on the phone, it will have an image and a button on it, when the button is pressed, it will have a lock screen.
I would be grateful for any help)

Can I do it with this?
[mod edit direct extension link (to someone else's extension) removed]

Or do I dont need it?
[mod edit direct download link removed]
I want to make an app where when I turn on the phone, it will have an image and a button on it, when the button is pressed, it will have a lock screen.
I would be grateful for any help)

Do you mean it will lock the sceen?

Or do you mean there will be a screen with a lock?

@gordonlu310 @RR_Media
No, I mean it will appear when you turn on the phone to the lock screen. It's like a splash screen, but you have to press a button to get to the lock screen.

Have you checked to see if there is an extension helping with this? Or does the extension you provided (actually deleted by a mod, I don't know) help you with that?

I didn't see an extension helping with this
Extension was deleted by a mod call "Background task extension"

You can link to the extension here:

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